Enrichment Reading Level 2
Build Comprehension and Critical Thinking Skills
The purpose of early American education was to teach children how to read and understand Scripture. Enrichment Reading reinforces this purpose by making Biblical integration a priority in the reading process. The distinctive features of Enrichment Reading are as follows: (1) Biblical-integration, (2) reading and comprehension skills, and (3) critical thinking skills. Ten interesting stories at each grade level introduce students to well-written fiction, exposition, history, and adventure.
Enrichment Reading is flexible. Teachers decide how much time to spend on each story. Some teachers break a story into several days—reviewing the vocabulary words one day, reading the story the next, and having students answer the questions the following day—while others complete each story during a specified time frame on a given day.
Overview of a Lesson
Vocabulary: Students must know the meanings of vocabulary words before they can comprehend what they read. Students learn to identify the meanings of unfamiliar words through the use of context, word analysis, and a dictionary and/or thesaurus.
Purpose and Rate: The introduction and theme sections help students to determine reading purpose and reading rate. Since the reading selections vary in content, form, author purpose, and difficulty, students learn to vary their reading purpose and rate according to the selection.
Silent Reading: Most selections are read silently. The teacher can break the selection into sections, discussing each section separately, or the selection may be read as a whole.
Oral Reading: Oral reading has limited value in the development of comprehension and study skills. However, there are times when the oral reading of literature contributes to the appreciation of literary techniques and devices, especially in the study of drama and poetry.
Questions: Each lesson has ten questions. The first six questions are based on the six levels of learning. Question 1 is knowledge-based. Question 2 is comprehension and 3 is application. The fourth question is analysis, and question 5 is synthesis. Evaluation is the focus of question 6. Questions 7-10 focus on reading, study, composition, and grammar skills.
Enrichment: Some stories have enrichment activities presented in the questions or as Extra activities. The teacher is encouraged to develop enrichment activities to challenge accelerated readers and to broaden the experiences of all students.
Price: $7.75