Good test scores and report card grades are a strong indication that students are learning. This is why Study Right was
written—to help students achieve success in school and in life. Both learning and good grades require hard work, time, and effective study habits—the common ingredients of educational success. Study Right will help students work smarter, and the smarter they work, the more they will learn.
Study Right recommends teaching the eight study skills at the following elementary grade levels.
• Managing Self and Time—Grades 4
• Listening and Participating in Class— Grades 4
• Reading Textbooks—Grades 4
• Using Resources— Grades 5
• Preparing for Tests— Grades 5
• Taking Tests—Grades 5
• Taking Notes—Grades 6
• Writing School Papers—Grades 6
Study Right study skills are arranged according to a hierarchy; however, some study skills can be taught at a grade level above or below its designated level, and for selected study skills, two grade levels. The school makes the final determination as to which study skills are taught at what grade levels.