Study Right will help your students in eight areas
• Managing Self and Time
• Listening and Participating in Class
• Reading Textbooks
• Using Resources
• Preparing for Tests
• Taking Tests
• Taking Notes
• Writing School Papers
SCOPE AND SEQUENCE. The Study Right program covers eight study skills with workbooks for two levels—upper elementary and junior high school. Study Right begins in the fourth grade and continues through the ninth grade. The workbooks have been sequenced to allow every grade to cover two or three study skills in a school year. The number of lessons ranges from 15-18 lessons for each study skill. All eight study skills are taught on the elementary level. They are reinforced and expanded on the junior high level. A suggested scope and sequence for the Study Right study skills program for elementary and junior high grades is as follows:

In addition to the elementary and junior high study skills program, our Learning How to Study study skills book is available for grades ten through twelve. A study skills scope and sequence for kindergarten through twelfth grade is listed in each teacher’s manual. Although the Study Right program begins in the fourth grade, teachers in the lower elementary grades can use the scope and sequence to begin study skills instruction in their respective grades.